The move to assisted living is a big decision for seniors to make. After an entire life of complete independence, the idea of living in an assisted living facility might be daunting. However, there are many practical reasons why Florida seniors may consider assisted living to stay safe and out of danger. What happens if something goes wrong at home, and how can assisted living address these issues?

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Scenario 1: A Fall at Home
Falls are a leading cause of injury among Florida seniors. In fact, there are over three million ER visits per year due to this issue. A fall at home can result in long periods without medical attention, especially if the senior cannot reach a phone or call for help. The longer that care is delayed, the more severe complications such as fractures and dehydration can become.

When seniors live at an assisted living facility, staff members are available around the clock to respond immediately in case of a fall or any sign of danger. Not only does quick assistance reduce injuries, but the ability to recuperate in their room helps many residents feel much more secure.

Scenario 2: Medication Mismanagement
Many Americans take daily medication, but seniors are much more likely to – with roughly 70% of older adults taking at least one per day. Plus, seniors are more likely to take multiple medications, with 20% of seniors requiring five or more per day. With so many health conditions to manage and control, missing doses or taking the wrong medication can lead to serious issues. You might not think that one singular mistake is enough to put someone’s health in danger, but it can definitely be concerning in certain circumstances.

One of the services assisted living facilities provide that eliminate stress among seniors and their families is the oversight of medication management. Seniors can receive help from trained staff to ensure they always take the right medications precisely at the correct times. On-site medical professionals are also available to monitor medication reactions and make necessary adjustments to prescriptions.

Scenario 3: A Medical Emergency at Home

Falls aren’t the only emergencies that can impact a senior. Strokes, heart attacks, or sudden confusion caused by cognitive decline can be just as life-threatening for seniors living alone. While falls can sometimes be prevented by installing railings and grab bars, these medical emergencies can strike suddenly, without warning.

Just like with falls, the faster a senior receives help, the better their odds of a quick, speedy recovery. Assisted living staff can recognize signs of worsening medical issues to intervene before complications or react quickly after an emergency to get seniors the help they need.

Scenario 4: Social Isolation
While social isolation might not seem like a pressing issue, seniors who live alone often experience higher levels of depression, cognitive decline, and overall reduced well-being. Loved ones might want to help, but it’s not always feasible or possible. Often, family members live far away or have busy schedules, making frequent visits challenging.

Assisted living communities are unique in how they address the issue of social isolation among seniors. While interaction with staff members can help prevent seniors from feeling completely alone, the more impactful way assisted living facilities help is by fostering connections among residents. Whether bringing residents together through community art projects, meals, or social activities, assisted living naturally helps seniors feel a part of something bigger.

People rarely understand the danger of unexpected emergencies and health scares until it is too late. If something happens to your senior loved one while they are home alone, do you have systems in place to protect them? Assisted living is a great way to give your senior family a great life, ample protection against life’s emergencies, and a social experience day in and day out. Contact A Banyan Residence today to schedule a tour of our facility and learn more.