Exercise provides immeasurable health benefits for people of any age. As we grow older, however, staying strong and flexible can help us to weather disease, illness, and aging far more effectively. Exercise improves mood, boosts the immune system, and protects our mental health – in fact, there is not any aspect of our lives that exercise cannot improve. Of course, senior citizens need to consider any new exercise routine carefully. It is essential to check with a physician and understand your own physical limitations – otherwise, you may be injured, not energized! Here are some of the best exercises for seniors to consider when looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

senior health The Villages

The Best Exercises are the Ones You Enjoy!

For exercise to truly enhance your life, you have to enjoy it enough to stick with it. The following list presents some of the most beneficial physical activities for seniors. Browse through, and you are sure to find an option that fits in with your preferences, medical status, and lifestyle and the ones that will best help you achieve your health goals.

If your doctor hasn’t declared any of these exercises off-limits, choose the one you are most likely to enjoy – then get started and have fun.

  1. Swimming is often considered the perfect exercise, as it increases cardiovascular fitness and strengthens your muscles – while exerting minimal stress on your bones and joints. A 2012 study in the Journal of Aging Research reported that swimming could help citizens maintain a sharp mind as well. Even if you don’t feel comfortable swimming the breaststroke, you can benefit by participating in water aerobics classes that keep you in the pool’s shallow end.
  2. Yoga embraces a holistic approach to fitness by building muscle strength, aerobic fitness, core stability, and overall mobility. Yoga provides a gentle, low-impact workout that still incorporates weight-bearing moves (participants support their body’s weight with every posture.) Weight-bearing exercise is essential for strengthening muscles and bones. Yoga movements can seem tricky at first – be sure to seek out a beginner’s class.
  3. Pilates is similar to yoga as it provides a low-impact strength program. However, its primary focus is core stability, especially beneficial for seniors with balance concerns. Beginner Pilates classes are designed for first-timers, while those who are shy can try an online, at-home course to get comfortable.
  4. Bodyweight training is vital for the 30% of seniors who experience significant muscle loss. And although this seems counter-intuitive, strength training is more effective than cardio when it comes to fighting age-related weight gain. Don’t be intimidated at the thought of lifting weights, as simple bodyweight exercises will maintain a strong, healthy, and agile body. Try chair squats, single-leg stands, wall pushups, and stair climbing to get you started.
  5. Resistance bands are inexpensive and beginner-friendly – not to mention perfect for at-home workouts. Bands challenge your muscles in ways you cannot achieve without them. For instance, rows and other pulling motions are essential to strengthen the back and improve posture. However, you cannot get the resistance you need for effective transformation without the bands. There are a variety of resistance levels – start easy and work your way up.
  6. Walking is the easiest way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Everyone can typically find the time and opportunity to walk. Older adults are recommended to take the same 10,000 steps a data as everyone else. Those who consistently reach that activity level are 46 percent less likely to die within ten years. If you have a chronic condition, 10K steps may be too many, but the fact remains – walking is a significant boon to everyone who wants to stay healthy.

At A Banyan Residence, we are dedicated to all our residents’ overall health and wellness. If you are looking for an active and engaging lifestyle in The Villages, call today for a tour and more information.