Until recent decades, the term “adult living residence” evoked images of depressing nursing homes, with senior residents languishing with little to do or giving them joy and companionship. But the industry has evolved and changed significantly, and contemporary assisted living and memory care facilities offer the best professional care and a calendar full of engaging activities. The old stereotypes are definitely a thing of the past – even though many elderly individuals facing this important decision may still have objections, harboring some of these misconceptions and believing them to be true. Misinformation can inspire anxiety and make the decision more overwhelming and scary than necessary.

A tour of any potential facility should make you and your senior loved one feel better about deciding to move to assisted living. If there are lingering doubts, here is some reassurance to answer common concerns.

assisted living near ocala

  • I don’t want to sacrifice my independence. Assisted living residences work with their residents to assess the needed level of assistance and support. Those who live at the facility are encouraged to live as independently as possible and are given the required freedom associated with that independence. A trained team of professionals is always present to help as needed, reinforcing confidence and self-sufficiency.
  • I’ll feel out of place. Residents are free to accessorize and decorate their apartments to their liking. While the floor plan may not accommodate all of their home’s furniture, belongings, and mementos, they can bring special pieces to create a welcoming space that feels familiar and comfortable. They can hang family photos on the walls, arrange the furniture just like in their living room, and infuse personal touches that put their personality on display. Seniors at the residence can generally decide when to eat, sleep and socialize, although general timeframes are provided.
  • They’ll treat me like a child. This is understandably one of the most common objections among seniors. A quality assisted living residence treats all its residents with dignity and respect. They understand that each individual has enjoyed a lifetime of accomplishments and proud moments and that they have much more to offer than meets the eye. A Banyan Residence provides any required assistance without patronizing or talking down to your loved one.
  • I’ll be so bored. Moving into an assisted living residence doesn’t mean that personality fades and interests disappear. Residents can still participate in their favorite activities and hobbies –  while having the opportunity to learn new things or attend events and socials with new friends. Those with a favorite game or pastime are often encouraged to start a club and share their passion.
  • My family is abandoning me: Not only are residents afraid of feeling lonely, but families are often worried about them thinking they have been left alone. However, contemporary assisted living facilities are vibrant communities with potential friends down every hallway. They aren’t boring or isolated environments – dining rooms, fitness centers, art studios, and movie theaters offer many opportunities to engage with others. And families are always encouraged to visit. 

A Banyan Residence understands that seniors may have some ideas about assisted living that can cause fear or anxiety and may raise objections to this way of life. That is why we welcome the opportunity to have your family visit for a private tour. Eat a meal in the dining room, speak to the residents, attend a social event, or stroll around the grounds. Our staff is here to answer any questions. We are confident that once you see the facility and spend time with our family, you’ll be happy to call A Banyan Residence home.