Optimum physical and mental health depends on many variables. An individual’s diet contributes significantly to their overall function, as well as to their holistic response to environmental stressors and aging. Not surprisingly, healthy foods assist in maintaining a strong immunity and healthy lifestyle. If you have a family member with early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, providing them with a diet of  nutritious foods may assist in slowing symptoms, permitting a more fulfilling and productive life.

Experts agree that these foods can have a positive effect on the well being of dementia patients.
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Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure are not only cause severe harm to seniors health, but they also negatively impact brain function. Therefore, changing your diet to the foods below should be done in conjunction with adding age appropriate exercise.

Healthy Foods to Add Every Day

1. Leafy greens are rich in folate and B9, which can stimulate cognition and lessen bouts of depression. Although some may not love the bitter taste of kale, spinach and collard greens, experimenting with recipes to incorporate them into your diet is a worthy effort.
2. Cruciferous vegetables such as brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower also contain folate, but with the addition of cartenoids. Catenoids reduce homo-cysteine, an amino acid known to hinder healthy  cognitive behavior.
3. Cherries and berries provide a wealth of benefit, including plentiful antioxidants, vitamin C and E. These fruits protect the brain from free radicals and offer a natural source of anti-inflammatory.
4. Omega 3s have been proven to have a significant impact on brain function. Individuals who incorporate Omega 3s in their daily diet experience fewer brain lesions which often cause dementia. These fatty acids help the brain stay in peak condition. Omega fatty acids can be found in fish, flax seeds or olive oil. If getting natural food sources are not practical, ask your physician for an effective omega 3 supplement.
5. Nuts are also rich in Omega 3s, but add  Vitamin E, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium and omega 6. Try giving your loved one almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews or pecans;  pumpkin and sunflower seeds will provide zinc, choline and vitamin E.
6. Beans and legumes of all varieties will provide folate, iron, magnesium and potassium; all of which help to promote overall health, function and wellness.
7. Spices can break up brain plaque and reduce brain inflammation – allowing the memory to thrive. Try to integrate cinnamon, sage, turmeric, and cumin into your daily routine.
8. Vegetables, fruits  and gourds supply Vitamin A, folate and iron, which all help with cognitive function. There are a wide variety which provide these benefits, such as pumpkin, squash, asparagus, tomatoes, carrots and beets.

When a loved one is confronted with a diagnosis of dementia, it is easy to feel there is little you can do. However, by helping them to make a few changes and taking control of the daily diet, you can slow symptoms and maximize their overall health. Be sure to not only add these healthy foods, but to cut out sugars and processed food as much as possible.

At A Banyan Residence, we are dedicated to helping memory care patients to live their most fulfilling life. Come visit our memory care residence in the Villages to learn more about how we work to keep our resident healthy in body and mind, every day.