Whether you’ve recently been inspired to take up new hobbies or simply looking to broaden your horizons, exploring activities enjoyed by seniors around the world can offer fresh and exciting ideas. Florida is a melting pot of cultures, largely due to vacationers and those looking for a permanent home in the Sun. If something in this list catches your eye, it’s possible that you can find a nearby group or club partaking in the activity! Let’s look at how seniors in different cultures stay active, engaged and vibrant, and briefly discuss how assisted living can help foster new learning and connections.
resort style senior living Wildwood FL

  1. Tai Chi in China
    In China, Tai Chi is a favorite among seniors. This gentle martial art involves slow, deliberate movements and deep breathing, making it perfect for improving balance and flexibility. Practicing Tai Chi in parks or community centers provides Chinese seniors with physical benefits, social interaction, and a sense of community. It’s a wonderful way to reduce stress and stay active without risking injuries that would come with intense physical activity. Give Tai Chi a try and experience its calming and strengthening effects for yourself.
  2. Nordic Walking in Scandinavia
    In Scandinavia, seniors enjoy Nordic walking, a unique activity that involves walking, or speed walking, with specially designed poles similar to ski poles. This full-body workout enhances cardiovascular health, improves posture, and reduces joint impact. The poles provide extra stability, making it a safe exercise for all fitness levels. Nordic walking is versatile and can be done on trails, in parks, or around your neighborhood – anywhere that extra balance and stability can be a benefit. This activity is especially enjoyable in the beautiful Scandinavian landscapes, but you can reap the same benefits in any setting. It’s a fun way to stay fit while enjoying the beauty of nature that Florida offers us.
  3. Ikebana in Japan
    In Japan, many seniors find joy and peace in ikebana, the art of flower arranging. This calming activity involves creating beautiful arrangements with flowers and plants, focusing on harmony and balance. Ikebana promotes mindfulness and concentration—a way to forget daily stresses and dedicate yourself to beauty in the moment. Each arrangement is unique, and ikebana allows you to express yourself in surprising ways. Participating in ikebana can also foster a connection to nature and an appreciation for the beauty in everyday life.
  4. Bocce in Italy
    In Italy, bocce is a beloved pastime among seniors. This game involves tossing balls toward a smaller target ball called the pallino. It’s easy to learn and provides gentle physical activity, making it ideal for all fitness levels. In addition, playing bocce promotes social interaction, as it’s almost always played in groups. You can find Florida seniors playing bocce in parks and community centers at much higher rates than you may think.
  5. Yoga in India
    Yoga, originating in India, is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Nowadays, it’s widely practiced by seniors and young folk alike for its numerous health benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. Regular practice promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Yoga classes are often available in community centers, parks, or online, providing a convenient way to incorporate this beneficial practice into your routine.

Has one of these activities caught your eye? If you are a senior looking to broaden your horizons, assisted living might just be the place to look. Often, assisted living communities already have one or more active groups partaking in yoga, bocce, or ikebana. If not, you can still make use of transportation services provided by facilities to travel to the nearest group, bringing along friends you met at the facility to your new hobby.

If you or a loved one is considering assisted living or memory care, contact A Banyan Residence today to schedule a tour and learn more about the activities we offer residents.