Arthritis Management for Senior Citizens
Arthritis is a complex disorder comprising more than 100 different conditions, and while it can affect people at any stage of life, seniors are among the highest risk.
Preventing Unnecessary ER Visits
Sudden accidents can create the need for ER visits - but slow, gradual issues can also rise to a serious level if left untreated.
Managing Holiday Stress
It is important for family members to be aware of the potential for holiday stress and to help their senior loved ones to ease these feelings.
Health Update: Skincare for Seniors
This guide will walk you through understanding, establishing, and enhancing skincare routines tailored to your unique skin needs as a senior.
Whole Grains and Holistic Health
Rich in essential nutrients, whole grains can positively impact brain function and overall well-being when incorporated into your diet.
The Link Between Dementia and Motor Skills
Some of the data regarding preclinical signs of dementia and declines in memory includes the onset of motor skill difficulties.