Common Misconceptions About Assisted Living and Memory Care
If misconceptions about memory care and assisted living are causing concern, read more about how these facilities can benefit your loved one.
Review & Prepare for Your Financial Future
Preparing for your loved one's financial future can seem daunting, but there are a few simple solutions that can help you get started.
Brighten the Holidays for Loved Ones with Dementia
If your loved one lives in an assisted living or memory care facility, you may be concerned about including them during the upcoming holidays.
Watch That Blood Pressure!
Blood pressure measures the force of blood circulating in the body on the walls of blood vessels as the heart pumps.
A Breath of Fresh Air: Benefits for Seniors
Research shows that regular exposure to fresh air has significant benefits and should be a daily goal for every Florida senior.
Nancy’s Story
A recent video from our YouTube channel. Subscribe today for insights and tips on capturing and operationalizing knowledge throughout your organization.