If you often feel lethargic or have skin irritations, migraines, illness, or odd weight fluctuations, your first thoughts probably involve diet and exercise. “Maybe it’s too much caffeine, or maybe I’m not getting enough steps daily?” However, one area of the body that most people overlook is the gut and the underlying healthy bacteria that play a role in our health. Seniors, especially those with health conditions, may want to talk to their doctor and see if changes to diet and exercise can improve their gut health and quality of life.

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What is Gut Health?

Gut health pertains to the balance and functionality of the microorganisms, primarily bacteria, residing in our gastrointestinal tract. Some people initially believe this only includes the stomach due to the name. However, the GI tract begins at the mouth, continues along the throat to the esophagus and stomach, eventually ending through the intestines and anus.

Microbes play a vital role during every part of this journey, digesting food, producing vitamins, and protecting against nasty pathogens and diseases inside the body. Their importance isn’t easy to see on the outside, but it cannot be overlooked when it comes to healthy living. Seniors at a greater risk of many health conditions might need to take extra care to improve their gut health to help fight off some of these issues.

Benefits of a Healthy Gut

Enhanced Digestive Function: A balanced microbiome aids in the breakdown of complex foods into absorbable nutrients, which can help seniors who might experience decreased digestive efficiency with age.
Strengthened Immune System: Approximately 70% of the immune system is located in the gut. A healthy gut microbiome acts as a first line of defense against pathogens and reduces the incidence of infections.
Mental Health and Cognitive Benefits: Recent research shows a connection between overall GI/gut health and brain function. Neurotransmitters that influence mood and cognitive functions, such as serotonin, are substantially produced in the gut.

Research on gut health and microbial balance in the body isn’t new, but it is also not widely understood by the public. However, it’s something everyone should take a closer look at, as some studies suggest that seniors with a well-maintained gut microbiome tend to have fewer chronic ailments, less systemic inflammation, and better mental health.

Diet Changes to End Illness

  1. Targeted Probiotic Supplements: Probiotic supplements contain beneficial bacteria, often Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which experts routinely identify as important parts of healthy gut biomes. These bacteria are known to deplete in quantity throughout life. Regular intake can help replenish the population of these bacteria, with some clinical studies demonstrating that targeted probiotics can reduce gastrointestinal symptoms and improve overall vitamin absorption.
  2. Microbe-Loaded Foods: Some foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are rich in live cultures that can enhance microbial diversity in the gut and minimize illness. Instead of simply taking a pill or vitamin, obtaining microbes through the intake of natural foods can potentially create an environment that promotes the growth of existing good bacteria. Also, it gives you an excuse to eat new foods or recipes you otherwise wouldn’t have tried.

Foods Known for Gut Health Benefits

Apart from targeted probiotics and microbe-loaded foods, general dietary choices can sink or swim your efforts to improve your gut health when introducing additional bacteria. High-fiber foods serve as prebiotics and are a vital pillar of a healthy diet. Prebiotics nourish beneficial gut bacteria and facilitate their growth, which can lead to more ‘bang for your buck’ when ingesting healthy bacteria to reduce illness.

Any changes to diet should involve a discussion with your doctor to eliminate concerns and help put you on the right track. However, once you get the go-ahead, making the lifestyle changes needed to incorporate healthy bacteria into a new diet and routine may still be challenging.

If you are looking for daily assistance with new diets, exercise, or chores, assisted living might be your best choice available. At A Banyan Residence, we provide culinary options and assistance to help you achieve your goals, which can include a new, healthy gut. Contact us today to schedule a tour of our facility and learn more.