For many people, the choice to move themselves or their loved one to assisted living is only a “last resort” when there is no other option. There can be a negative connotation attached to these types of residences for some – but this stigma is unfounded. The fact is, the choice to move to assisted living is most often both proactive and positive – improving quality of life.

Assisted living facilities afford the resident with an appropriate measure of independent living, while providing needed support on a variety of levels. For many, this is a perfect compromise of safety, security and maintaining a degree of independent lifestyle. Not only do assisted living facilities provide the assistance needed today, but can adjust care as the resident ages, allowing them to stay in one place even if their level of care increases.

assisted living the villages

Assisted Living – The Right Choice

Taking Care of a Home is Getting Harder: Home maintenance can be daunting as we age, as chores and upkeep take more of a physical toll. From yard work to daily chores, everyday tasks are more difficult. The move to assisted living means maintenance-free living, as meals are prepared, rooms are cleaned, and laundry is done. Seniors in assisted living are free to make friends, explore new activities and pastimes, and live a maintenance-free lifestyle.

Social Relationships: Being isolated as one grows older is one of the leading causes of depression in seniors. Many find themselves unable to drive, meaning that they can no longer attend favorite events. Activities they once enjoyed, such as attending church or going out to eat, are no longer possible. Living alone is tough for anyone, but especially for the elderly who miss family, friends, and a sense of belonging. Assisted living facilities provide ample opportunity for making new friends, enjoying social interaction, and remaining engaged. Events, activities, classes and more take place on-property, or provide transportation. This opens up a world of social possibilities for people who would be otherwise alone.

Healthier Way of Life: Senior citizens living alone may neglect to keep up with healthy lifestyles, which can accelerate both physical and cognitive decline. These individuals may not get the nutrition they need on a consistent basis, and often are not able (or confident enough) to shop regularly. They are prone to forgetting to take or reorder necessary medications, putting themselves at risk. Many also stop pursuing any type of regular exercise which can preserve mobility, balance, strength and agility. The move to assisted living provides the opportunity for greatly enhanced health, as caring professionals oversee medication management and nutritious daily meals, while watching for signs of a problem. They can also encourage daily exercise, and give the resident ample opportunity to join in group activities which keep them moving.

Ongoing Enrichment: Seniors living at home often begin to stagnate and think there is nothing exciting left for them to accomplish. However, it is never too late to learn something new and feel challenged. In fact, experts say it is critical to our mental health and stability. Life in an assisted living facility gives residents the opportunity – and the motivation – to learn how to play a new game with friends, take an educational class, join a book club or take a daytrip to the museum. All of these activities allow a senior to continue to learn and grow, to keep their brain engaged, and to keep themselves involved in a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Safety and Security: Assisted living residents often may not need a lot of daily assistance, but they were no longer comfortable living alone. Whether they fear falling and injuring themselves or are afraid to live alone, assisted living relieves their anxiety, as well as the anxiety a family may feel for their loved one.

If you or a loved one is considering an assisted senior living solution in The Villages area, the professional team at A Banyan Residence invite you to visit our facility for a tour and to have your questions answered.