While knee replacement surgery may initially seem extreme, the procedure offers a hopeful solution without much risk or long-term complications. While not as terrible as many other surgeries, recovering from a knee replacement is not a singular afternoon of rehab.  During and after recovery, assisted living facilities can provide seniors with greater care to help them get through this phase of their health journey with minimal setbacks.
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Prevalence of Joint and Knee Issues in Seniors

Joint health is a major concern for seniors due to various forms of arthritis being widespread. After years of wear and tear, joint cartilage deteriorates, and bones rub against each other. While this is a painful experience in and of itself, it often escalates to mobility impairments. Even without any specific health condition, the aging process naturally contributes to this deterioration, and seniors should prepare for a time when these issues may arise in their lives.

Given these challenges and a growing senior population in the US and Florida, it’s no surprise that knee replacements are on the upswing. They are one of the most common surgeries to address specific joint issues.

Nearly 1,000,000 knee replacements occur annually in the country, surpassing hip replacements. In fact, demographic trends indicate that the US may see dramatic growth in knee replacements, reaching over 3 million by the turn of the decade.

Deciding to undergo knee surgery is often prompted by the inability to perform simple tasks that many of us take for granted. Seniors frequently have multiple health concerns that make daily life difficult, but the inability to walk across the room or stand up without pain is usually too much to bear. Luckily, knee replacements are generally seen as a fantastic option by the healthcare community, and a vast majority of those who undergo the surgery experience a reduction in pain.

Knee Replacement: Myths and Realities

Despite its high success rates, knee replacement surgery carries with it several misconceptions and concerns that may deter seniors from considering this potentially life-altering solution. These include:

  • Knee replacements are too risky for elderly patients: While all surgeries carry some risk, advancements in surgical techniques and better postoperative care have made knee replacements increasingly safe. Minimally invasive procedures, better methods, and a greater understanding mean the risk is as low as ever.
  • Recovery from knee replacement is too difficult and lengthy for seniors. Modern pain management techniques and rehabilitation programs help patients gradually regain mobility and strength. Although it may not be immediate, it is a structured and straightforward way to recover and get back on your feet within weeks in many cases.
  • Knee replacements don’t last very long: Most modern replacements can last 20 years or more, making it likely a one-time surgery for many seniors.
  • The surgery will not significantly reduce pain or improve mobility: When you have knee pain, it’s sometimes hard to believe that any surgery can instantly relieve it. However, virtually all modern medical evidence, surveys, and studies show that those who undergo the surgery have an improved quality of life with minimal routine downsides.

Recovering from Knee Replacement: Assisted Living Support

While knee surgery can provide seniors with a new lease on life, the recovery time isn’t immediate. Even before the surgery, seniors may struggle for months or years before they get the go-ahead from their doctor. After the surgery, despite a relatively quick recovery time, many seniors would struggle if they were living truly independently without help from family, caregivers, or staff.

Assisted living facilities can be a significant boon to seniors’ long-term recovery from knee replacement surgery. Residents benefit from personalized rehabilitation plans and always have access to staff and healthcare workers who can identify complications or worsening results. In addition, living at an assisted living facility means you never have to worry about daily chores, cooking, routines, or anything else that could get in the way of the recovery process. And the best part? If you need more staff care in the short term, you don’t need to commit to year-long plans that drain your finances.

At A Banyan Residence, our staff helps residents whenever health complications arise. Whether you are recovering from knee surgery or need help transporting to and from doctors, you can rest easy knowing you will have someone there to assist every step of the way. Contact A Banyan Residence today to schedule a tour of our facility and learn more about the ways assisted living can benefit your life.