Throughout our lives, we look for meaning and purpose. We want people to see us, know us, and value us. We want to be treated with dignity and respect. And just because we have grown older, those desires do not fade. As time marches on and families evolve, seniors often feel forgotten or irrelevant. But with just a little effort, you can show your loved one how much they still mean to you, and maintain the dignity and respect that they deserve.

bushnell senior living

How to Protect Their Dignity

Have Patience: We understand that patience is not always easy when dealing with an aging family member, especially if dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is involved. As they age and personalities change, relationships begin to change as well. They may be experiencing issues with remembering everyday things, or having a challenging time getting through the easiest of tasks. Take a moment, breathe deeply and learn to be present with the person you love. Maintain your own health and well-being, so you can resist frustration and simply enjoy the time you have together.

Listen to Them: Everyone wants to know that they are being heard. Your senior family member may be trying to cope with the loss of their independence. They may feel out of control, and that their options are being stolen from them. Active listening is a key way to show respect and model dignity. Sit forward in your chair and lean toward them. Make eye contact and leave your phone stowed away. Truly listening to the fears and dreams of your senior loved one is one way to remind them that they are loved and worthy of your time and attention.

Engage with Empathy: The capability to understand and enter into the feelings of another is a gift. For some, empathy comes easily. Remember that you and your family member are in a new stage of life – and one that is unfamiliar to both of you. Being kind, compassionate, and cognizant of their emotions will go a long way towards gaining a true sense of what they are experiencing.

Watch What You Say: Many of us fall into the bad habit of speaking about older people as if they are not in the room. It is not meant to be inconsiderate or disrespectful, but this can be damaging to one’s dignity. Yes, your loved one’s comprehension might be lacking at times. However, be sure to continue to speak to them and include them in the conversation – giving them the respect they deserve.

Encourage Independence: Both with children and the elderly, we often find ourselves doing simple tasks on their behalf in order to save time and frustration. Your loved one may be struggling with accomplishing every day tasks, but it is still important to allow them to try. Resist the urge to just do everything for them to speed things up. Take some time, summon a lot of patience – and enjoy their satisfaction at a job well done.

Aging family members deserve our dignity and respect. At A Banyan Residence, we offer your beloved family members a fulfilling life, no matter their age and ability. Call today for a tour and to learn more about our memory care and assisted living residence options.