Our lungs take in approximately 673 millions breath in an average lifetime, keeping our bodies supplied with life-giving oxygen. That’s a lot of responsibility for one organ. Because our lungs process air which is inhaled from the outside, the are the only internal organs which are exposed directly to the environment, with no filter. Therefore it is critical to our survival that the respiratory system is kept healthy to maintain health and maximize our quality of life. And with COVID-19 in the news every day, being aware of the dangers of respiratory illness is more essential than ever, especially for the elderly.

assisted living

Common Respiratory Illness

Asthma: Asthma is a reaction to allergens and irritants in the air, resulting in airway obstruction. With over 2 million of the elderly population in America suffering from asthma, it is a major health concern.

Pneumonia: Pneumonia is the result of an infection occurring in the air sacs of the lung. The infection can be bacterial, viral or fungal, and is often a byproduct of the flu.

Lung Cancer: The experts at the American Cancer Society have declared lung cancer as the cause of cancer deaths across all demographics. Smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, with secondhand smoke contributing to the death toll as well.

COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : COPD is actually comprised of a group of diseases which result in blockage of airflow, causing breathing-related problems. The two most common forms of COPD are bronchitis and emphysema. The majority of seniors with COPD exhibit both of these conditions, however, they can vary significantly in severity.

Other Causes of Respiratory Illnesses

Indoor Air Pollutants: Most people don’t realize that their indoor air quality is worse than the outdoors. With so many people staying inside these days, this is a concern. Inadequate indoor air quality can result in a higher risk of infection, lung cancer and asthma.

Asbestos: Although now understood to be a dangerous material, asbestos was commonly utilized in both construction and in consumer products throughout much of the last century. When asbestos products deteriorate, they emit microscopic fibers which are airborne and capable of being inhaled. Asbestos can cause lung irritation, inflammation, mesothelioma, lung cancer and a condition called asbestosis.

Dust Mites: Dust mites may appear benign, but they are behind some of the most commonly occurring indoor allergies. Dust mites are very small, insect-like pests which slough off allergens in the form of body fragments and excrement. Dust mites are everywhere, and can be nearly impossible to avoid. In fact, it is estimated that 4 out of 5 homes in the United States have easily detectable levels of mites.

Mold:A damp climate can result in visible moisture, whether from humidity or leaks and condensation. Moisture in residences provide the perfect environment for mold spores to grow and thrive, resulting in asthma attacks and other related respiratory illness.

How To Improve Respiratory Health

As we grow older, our lungs weaken and our rib cage contracts, allowing the lungs less room to expand. While this is a normal part of aging, it does necessitate that senior citizens pay close attention to their respiratory health.

See Your Physician: Early diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illness is beneficial to the elderly, as they can treat the problem before it becomes too severe.

Put Down the Cigarettes: The CDC has identified tobacco as the leading cause of preventable illness in the United States – even after all of the education campaigns. The good news is that just one year after quitting tobacco use, the danger of suffering from heart and respiratory diseases is reduced significantly.

Clean House: Give your house a deep cleaning on a regular basis, and don’t skimp on the sanitizer. These activities can virtually eliminate virus and bacteria growth. An annual inspection by a professional can help to ensure that your home is rid of toxins and mold – or to treat and remediate the home if they are present.

At A Banyan Residence, we are dedicated to the holistic health and wellness of every resident. If you are searching for quality assisted living or memory care facilities in The Villages, call today.