Seniors with longtime partners and spouses have innumerable shared memories of a well-lived life. However, the realities of aging can complicate later chapters of life, especially when one spouse is dealing with memory conditions requiring the other to provide constant care. Today, we want to address some of the challenges faced by senior couples managing caregiving at home and highlight how memory care and assisted living facilities can provide the support needed to help them thrive together.

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The Challenges of Home Care for Senior Couples

Caring for a spouse with memory issues is never a walk in the park. The caregiving spouse often experiences high levels of stress and emotional exhaustion as they juggle their own health needs while tending to their partner’s. The physical demands, such as helping with mobility or daily tasks, can exacerbate existing health problems in the caregiving spouse, something that seniors should typically try to avoid. Even if one spouse has a worsening memory condition, the other one should not strain their health further when options are available.

Studies show that spousal caregivers are at a higher risk for chronic conditions and various forms of depression. The relentless demands of caregiving cause some to neglect their own health needs, as they prioritize their spouse’s care over their own. In addition, caregiving can be an isolating experience for senior couples, stripping away social connections and leading to feelings of loneliness. Senior caregivers often cannot participate in social activities they once enjoyed, as their responsibilities keep them homebound.

Even if a senior is able to endure the hardships brought about by caring for their spouse, home care for seniors with memory issues is not always the best or safest option. The risk of accidents, such as falls or wandering, is higher when seniors with memory issues live outside of a structured facility. Maintaining a safe environment at home becomes increasingly tricky as memory conditions progress, with caregivers always having to be vigilant about potential hazards like hot stoves or dangerous items.

No one should feel bad about their decision to seek help to care for their spouse. It isn’t a failure or something warranting shame. There is a reason that assisted living and memory care facilities employ trained staff and experts to care for residents – it isn’t easy!

How Memory Care and Assisted Living Facilities Can Help

If your spouse is dealing with memory issues and you are struggling to provide an adequate level of care, memory care might be the best option going forward. Integrated assisted living and memory care facilities can provide help to your loved one and assist you with whatever level of care you need to live an independent life in a facility. Some of the ways assisted living and memory care facilities can help include:

Comprehensive Care Options: Memory care and assisted living facilities offer a range of care levels to senior couples, and you are not forced into receiving extra care if it is unnecessary for your situation. For instance, one spouse might require specialized memory care, while the other benefits from minimal assistance with daily activities. Entering assisted living can keep you and your spouse in close contact without requiring both to live identical lives.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Facilities dedicated to memory care and assisted living place a strong emphasis on improving the quality of life for both spouses. They offer a variety of social activities and programs that encourage interaction and engagement, which can be especially beneficial for couples who might otherwise become isolated at home. These programs also help the spouse previously responsible for caregiving to relax and enjoy their new living situation.
Relief and Peace of Mind for the Caregiving Spouse: With professional caregivers handling the demanding aspects of memory care, the caregiving spouse can focus on maintaining their own health and well-being. They can enjoy quality time together and participate in shared activities without the constant role of the caregiver getting in the way. Assisted living may be a big life change, but it should make your life much easier if you are struggling due to your caregiving duties.

Providing for your spouse is noble, but memory care can enhance their level of care and eliminate all the stresses and issues that come with at-home care. If you believe assisted living and memory care are the best choices for helping someone with memory issues live their best life, contact A Banyan Residence today to tour our facility and learn how we can help.