Watching movies is a beloved pastime for people of all ages, including senior citizens. Movies allow us to relax, forget about real life for a few hours, and experience a healthy range of emotions. While we used to have to make an effort to see a movie, these days, virtually any movie can be purchased, rented, or downloaded within a few minutes. This is an excellent time for movie lovers, for sure. As to the topic at hand, we recognize that a “top ten list” is impossible when it comes to something as subjective as a movie plot. Everyone likes different genres, different actors, and different styles. Therefore, we present a list of ten movies that are well-loved and cited as favorites by many seniors.

Fast Fact: When seniors with Alzheimer’s disease watch movies they once enjoyed, the familiar scenes and dialogue may inspire a sense of calm, safety, and happiness.

Top Movies for Seniors

Why not settle in and watch a movie with your senior loved one tonight? Here are some great suggestions.

  1. On Golden Pond (1981)
    This uplifting drama explores family relationships as the main characters grow old together. Many intimate and poignant moments are showcased, and seniors may feel like their own lives are being acted out on the screen. The cast is a nostalgic one for seniors as well – Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, and Jane Fonda provide stunning performances.
  2. Walk the Line (2005)
    Johnny Cash is beloved by many seniors, and his music spans generations. This moving biographical drama depicts the early years of this Cash and follows his rise to stardom. Johnny Cash fans will thoroughly enjoy this movie.
  3. Singing in the Rain (1952)
    Seniors love reminiscing about the musicals that defined their younger lives and inspire memories of dating or times spent with friends at the movie theater. This film – which details the movie industry’s transition from silent film to sound – has stood the test of time and features Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds.
  4. All the President’s Men (1976)
    This classic film explores the Watergate scandal that journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein revealed. Its blends drama, mystery, and suspense and is guaranteed to entertain older adults who love intrigue and lived through Watergate.
  5. Lincoln (2012)
    This movie is more recent but relates the story of Abraham Lincoln, one of America’s most loved presidents, concentrating on the final months before his death. It is an interesting choice for senior citizens who enjoy watching movies about history and war.
  6. Grumpy Old Men (1993)
    What is a list of movies without a great comedy? Humor is therapeutic, and Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau did a great job ensuring their viewers were laughing the whole way through. The story involves lifelong feuding neighbors, sure to remind viewers of a few of their own “colorful” neighbors.
  7. The Bucket List (2007)
    This comedy starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson should provide a great evening of laughter. While a movie about cancer patients doesn’t sound funny, their adventures as they head off on a road trip to fulfill lifelong dreams certainly are – don’t miss it.
  8. The Help (2011)
    This movie takes place in Mississippi during the 1960s, a decade familiar to most seniors. This movie showcases the complex relationships African American maids had with their employers and their families. Seniors should enjoy the touching and humorous portrayal of a time they remember.
  9. Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
    This movie chronicles the relationship between a stubborn old Jewish woman and her African-American chauffeur, set in the South in the late 40s. The drama provides heartwarming moments and lots of smiles.
  10. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
    We round out the list with one of the most classic films ever made. Seniors are sure to remember the first time they saw the movie, and if you are watching it with a parent, it probably won’t be for the first time. The film is a great choice if grandparents want to watch a movie with their grandkids and create new memories.

If you live in an assisted living facility and would enjoy sharing these movies with your friends and peers, send this list to the administration and suggest a movie night!

A Banyan Residence is an assisted living and memory care center located in The Villages, Florida.