Everything in our bodies changes as we grow older, and the brain is no exception. Many seniors experience forgetfulness that increases incrementally as they age, such as forgetting someone’s name or a familiar address. However, if memory lapses become more frequent or serious, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) may be the cause.

memory care community

The best way to determine if you or a loved one is experiencing MCI is to understand the associated symptoms. The symptoms of mild cognitive impairment may include:

  • Forgetting dates, names, or other familiar things more often.
  • Having increasing difficulties trying to find words when speaking or writing.
  • Forgetting necessary appointments, social engagements, or events
  • Losing the train of thought or conversational flow
  • Experiencing an inability to follow the plot of books or movies
  • Feeling increasingly overwhelmed by decision-making, problem-solving, strategizing a plan for accomplishing a job or project, or understanding and executing instructions.
  • Experiencing difficulty navigating familiar environments
  • Noticing increasing frequency of misplacing items and failing to retrace steps to find them
  • Growing more impulsive or showing poor judgment more frequently.

Those with MCI may also suffer from depression, anxiety, or apathy. Fluctuations in mood or personality, primarily increased irritability and aggression, are also common.

People with memory loss are apt to feel embarrassment, which may further cause them to withdraw from family, work, or social activities. The resulting isolation can actually make the effects of MCI more devastating. Read more here about the importance of staying engaged and socially well.

It is essential to point out that those with occasional memory loss are not necessarily experiencing MCI. Everyone has forgotten why they walked into a room or lost track of what they would say next. But most people can retrace their steps and remember their original intent. The difference between normal aging and MCI is the capability to identify the problem and troubleshoot potential solutions.

Signs Associated with Typical Aging

  • Experiencing slower recall or forgetting only portions of an event or situation
  • Maintaining the ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions
  • Noticing more difficulty in focusing and concentrating (needing a quiet space, for instance)
  • Maintaining the capacity to learn new things, even if it takes a little longer to assimilate
  • Occasionally having difficulty finding words, but soon recalling the word in question
  • Problem-solving when attempting to find a misplaced item 
  • Occasional memory issues are not significant enough to adversely influence daily life. 

Even if you have been diagnosed with MCI, it is not necessarily a permanent condition. 20% of those diagnosed with MCI will return to normal cognitive capability within four years, and many MCI patients will stay stable without progressing any further into Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Seniors who are worried about the symptoms they are experiencing should speak with their doctor about any concerns they may have. Suppose the current symptoms are the result of dementia. In that case, an early diagnosis will enable the most timely access to information, support, and access to any clinical studies that may be coming to the forefront.

A Banyan Residence provides quality memory care to seniors living with dementia or Alzheimer’s. If your loved one is experiencing symptoms of MCI and you want professional advice about a compassionate adult living residence, call today for an appointment.