Caring for a loved one with memory loss is very different from caring for a family member with superficial injuries like a broken leg, especially when it comes to keeping them safe. As memory fades and cognitive abilities decline, everyday situations quickly turn dangerous. Family members can’t build strong relationships if time and effort are mostly spent on caregiving instead of quality time together. Today, we will take a quick look at the most common ways seniors with memory and cognitive issues can place themselves in danger and how memory care can help family members deal with these situations over the long term.

senior living near me, help with memory loss


Wandering is a commonly seen behavior recognized as a real risk for seniors with dementia. Seniors with memory issues may fail to recognize their surroundings, become confused, and continue to roam away from familiar places into potentially dangerous situations. They might leave to find a place from their past or simply because they’re restless.

Over 50% of seniors with dementia will wander at some point, and the risks are not something you can ignore. Seniors can become lost, dehydrated, or injured as they leave the house all day, particularly during the hottest months of Florida’s summer. They may encounter traffic, unsafe neighborhoods, or nearby woods that can trap and injure them, especially if dealing with memory loss.

Wandering is dangerous because it isn’t as obvious as a heart attack or stroke. Imagine you see a senior walking down the sidewalk—do you immediately assume they have been lost outside their home for hours or more? It’s easy to overlook their situation unless you know that senior was missing and confused.

Medication Mismanagement

Medication mismanagement occurs when seniors forget to take their medications, take them incorrectly, or accidentally overdose. Cognitive decline makes simple tasks like remembering schedules or understanding dosage instructions incredibly difficult, and it may even alter a senior’s opinions regarding surrounding medication. If they forget to take some doses, they may begin to think that medication isn’t working, reinforcing the idea that they don’t need to stick to their medication schedule.

The risks here are obvious. Missing doses can lead to the worsening of chronic conditions, and taking too much can similarly cause severe side effects, hospitalizations, or even life-threatening situations. If they mix up medications, they run the risk of suffering from harmful drug interactions.

Household Accidents

Household accidents are a massive risk whenever seniors with dementia or other cognitive issues live alone without constant or frequent caregiving. The most common accidents include falls, fires, drowning, and other mishaps resulting in injuries. Seniors with memory issues might forget to turn off the stove, leave the water running, or trip over objects they forget to put away.

Falls are particularly dangerous as the generally weaker bodies and bones of older people result in more broken bones or head injuries. There are countless tragic stories of seniors who fall, cannot reach a phone for help, and only being discovered when a caregiver or family arrives days later.

Assisted Living Can Keep Seniors with Memory Loss Safe

If you are worried about your loved one’s safety and security due to their worsening condition, assisted living with integrated memory care may be the best option to keep them safe. Let’s look at the most dangerous situations we discussed prior – how can A Banyan Residence help? When your family member lives at one of our facilities, they will:

  • Live in a purpose-built facility that prevents confused seniors from wandering off-site into dangerous situations.
  • Receive daily assistance with all medications and doctor-recommended treatment plans.
  • Benefit from dedicated, 24/7 rapid assistance when things go wrong, with trained staff to help with emergencies.

Hiring full-time caregivers to come to your family member’s home is often prohibitively expensive, and many Florida homes are not built to the standards needed to protect seniors. Choosing assisted living gives you the most bang for your buck and provides the safest option, in addition to the myriad of amenities present at our facilities.

Contact us today to learn more about how A Banyan Residence can protect your senior with dementia, Alzheimer’s, or similar conditions.